Please read the recommendations below; non-compliance may result in admission refusal.. To ensure safety, we have introduced an online registration system for anonymous and free HIV tests. Please choose from the calendar the date and time you wish to make an appointment, and enter the password*, which you will have to provide to an advisor during the visit. In order to pick up your result, please make an appointment by e-mail—do not use the form.

Please, make reservations thoughtfully. If you fail to show up at the appointed time, you prevent any other person from using our service in this slot.

Please enter the Diagnostic and Consultation Point no earlier than 5 minutes before the time of the visit. We also ask for punctuality – we will be unable to do a test if you come at any different time. ** After entering the Point, sanitise your hands (there is a dispenser available on a corridor) and, please, keep a mask that covers both your mouth and nose put on all the time(do not use a face shield—it protects neither you nor our staff from infection).

Please postpone your visit to The Diagnostic and Consultation Point or contact us by e-mail if in the last 14 days you have:

  1. contacted a person with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection,
  2. contacted a person under quarantine or epidemiological supervision,
  3. had quarantine or epidemiological surveillance imposed on you,
  4. ghad a fever (over 37.5 degrees Celsius), disturbance or loss of smell, conjunctivitis, cough, difficulty breathing, diarrhoea, other symptoms of viral upper respiratory tract infection, or influenza-like illness symptoms,
  5. had a test for SARS-Cov-2, and either the result is positive, or the test needs to be repeated.

If you have any questions or wish to cancel your visit, please contact us by e-mail at (in the e-mail, please provide the date and time of your appointment and your chosen password).

We kindly ask you to enter the building alone—any accompanying people should wait outside the building.

*a password is any word or sequence of numbers (at least two characters) that do not constitute your personal data—please do not enter names, surnames, dates of birth, PESEL numbers, etc. Please remember the given password; otherwise, you will not be accepted.

** Scheduling an appointment for a given hour does not guarantee admission at this time—due to the specifics of the Centre’s operation, it may happen that your visit will be delayed. Thank you for your understanding.

Note: We store the e-mail address provided during registration for a maximum of 7 days from the registration date. We collect e-mail addresses to eliminate bot activity. Further information on the processing of personal data can be found at

Making a reservation via the form means that you consent to the processing of your personal data. You can withdraw it any time—you only need to make an e-mail request at

You can only make a reservation for the current month—scheduling an appointment for the upcoming month becomes available in the last week of the given month.

Calendar legend:
Day in red colour – All slots are taken, choose another day.

Day in beige colour – Closed.

Hour in gray colour – Slot is taken, choose another hour.